Sustained Silent Reading
What Is Sustained Silent Reading
Silent Reading (SSR) is a period of uninterrupted silent reading. It is based
upon a single simple principle: Reading is a skill. And like all skills, the
more you use it, the better you get at it. Conversely, the less you use it, the
more difficult it is. Like swimming, once you learn it, you never forget it.
But in order to get better at either reading or swimming, you must jump into
the book or the water and do it over and over."
How much do students read? As
reported in the excerpt from Jim Trelease's book, The Read Aloud Handbook,
students do not read very much. In one reported study, 90% of the students
studied devoted only 1 percent of their free time to reading and 30% to
watching television. 50% of the students read for an average of four minutes or
less per day, 30% read two minutes per day, and 10% read nothing at all. In a
comprehensive seven-year study conducted by John Goodlad, A Place Called
School, it was reported that only 3 percent of class time is occupied by
the act of reading in the middle school, and 2 percent in the high school.
Guidelines for Using Sustained
Silent Reading Time
- Students must read for the entire allotted reading period.
- You cannot do homework or read any material for another course. SSR is not a study hall.
- You must read a book (no magazines or newspapers where text competes with pictures), preferably one that tells a story (e.g. novels, histories and biographies rather than books of lists or facts where readers can’t sustain attention, build up speed and fluency, or grow to love good stories.)
- You must have a book in your possession when SSR times starts; this is the main responsibility involved in coming prepared to class.
- You may not talk or disturb the others.
- You may sit or recline wherever you like as long as feet don’t go up on the furniture and rule #5 is maintained.
- Please don't ask to leave the room at this time. It disturbs others.
Sustained Silent Reading (SSR
Some people call it Sustained Silent Reading, or SSR
for short. Others call it recreational reading or independent reading. Some
have clever acronyms for it, such as DIRT (daily independent reading time) or
DEAR (drop everything and read). Whatever it's called, many teachers set aside
a block of time each day -- usually anywhere from ten to thirty minutes,
depending on the grade level and the ability of the students -- for quiet
Sustained silent reading can serve many purposes:
- Most school reading is assigned reading. SSR offers students an opportunity to read material of their own choice.
- During SSR time, many students learn that they can use their word attack skills to figure out new words -- on their own!
- SSR can build students' confidence in their abilities to work through reading trouble spots.
- Many studies of whole-class groups and of select groups of unmotivated readers show that SSR can result in students wanting to reading more.
- The amount of time that students spend reading independently outside of school often increases as a result of SSR, parents report. Often children ask for books to read at home.
- SSR can be one more element in a reading program aimed at demonstrating the joy that reading can bring and developing lifelong readers and learners.
"Research has shown that reading ability is
positively correlated with the extent to which students read
recreationally," according to the "Reading and Writing Habits of
Students" section of The Condition of Education 1997, published by
the National Center for Education Statistics. "Educators are increasingly
encouraging their students to read and write on their own"
That report points to some optimistic statistics that
support the need to develop students' independent reading skills, including:
In 1994, 9-,
13-, and 17-year-old students who reported reading for fun at least once a week
had higher average reading proficiency scores than students who reported never
or hardly ever reading for fun.
Even Jim Trelease, nationally-recognized expert in the
area of reading aloud to children and author of The New Read-Aloud Handbook,
devotes a full chapter to Sustained Silent Reading, read-aloud's natural
SRR Takes Many Form
In some schools, individual teachers include sustained
silent reading as part of their programs. In other schools, SSR has been
adopted schoolwide. In many schools a special time is set aside each day when
every student (and every teacher and staff person, including the principal and
the custodian!) is expected to "drop everything" and read silently.
Indeed, the main thrust behind most SSR programs is to demonstrate to students
that pleasure-reading is something to be valued by all.
In some classrooms, students select from a
predetermined reading list. Or they select from a bin of books color-coded to
indicate reading level. But most teachers give students the freedom to choose a
book that they think they'll enjoy. Often teachers encourage students to select
books that aren't too difficult. Many teachers train students in the
"five-finger test" as a method of determining readability.
In the
five-finger test, students are asked to select a page from the book to read to
themselves. They hold up all five fingers on one hand as they begin to read.
Each time the student encounters a word that is hard to read, her or she puts
down one finger. If all five fingers are in the down position before a student
finishes reading the page, the book is probably too difficult. The student
probably should put the book back on the shelf and look for one that won't be
so hard.
Engancing Sustained Silent Reading
For some teachers, SSR is "private reading"
time for students. Students can read anything and they don't have to report on
what they've read.
Many other teachers provide follow-up activities for
sustained silent reading time. Some teachers have students keep logs of their
silent reading. Others bring together the class once a week to talk about what
they've been reading. (These discussions can motivate other students; others
might choose their next book based on the recommendation of one of their
Some teachers divide their classes into small groups,
so students can share their thoughts about the books they're reading. Sometimes
teachers provide a question that will serve as the focus of the group
discussion. The discussion question might support the curriculum, focusing
attention on the climax, or the author's point of view, or some other element
of literature that the teacher has introduced in class.
In some classes, teachers invite students to work in
pairs during SSR time. A pair of "reading friends" might select a
book to read together and talk about. Kids can even take turns reading pages
(but then it's not sustained silent reading anymore!). As the students
read, they talk about their expectations, their surprises, the things they like
and dislike. "Reading friends sometimes look back through a book together,
retelling poignant, funny, or important parts," said Lucy Calkins in an
article in Instructor magazine. They read with their friends in mind,
marking places to share, she adds.
Some teachers combine SSR with dialogue journals.
Students share things in their journals about the books they're reading. (Some
teachers call this SSW -- sustained silent writing.) Or the teacher might
sometimes provide a question for everybody to respond to in their journals.
Then the teacher responds to each student's journal entry. Teacher responses
often include another question that will prompt deeper understanding of the
Some people think dialogue journals and SSR are a bad
mix. SSR should be independent reading uncluttered by follow-up, they say. But
supporters say that dialogue journals can help students see the value of
writing as a form of back-and-forth communication. Journals provide good
handwriting practice too; since teachers will be reading and responding to
journal entries, students know they must write legibly! And SSR and journals
together show students that reading and writing are part of everyday life,
supporters add.
The Teacher As Model Reader
Whatever the case, whether SSR is a private time
activity or a discussion or writing motivator, most experts agree that one
thing is essential to its success. It is crucial that teachers
participate in the process as role models.
SSR time is not a time for teachers to correct papers
or plan the next day's lessons. Teachers should be right there on the floor (or
in another comfortable spot) -- modeling a lifelong love of reading. If
students are expected to fill out a reading log after reading, teachers should
do the same. If a weekly "share time" is part of the SSR routine, the
teacher can serve as a model by talking about the book he or she is reading.
Teachers can model the thought processes that accompany reading by talking
about how the main character changes through the course of the book, about the
author's use of language, and about surprises and disappointments they
encounter as they read.
As much as students need to learn to be good
independent readers, they also need to learn how to respond to books and how to
share their feelings about books with others. Modeling prepares students to
carry on good book conversations. It enables students to carry on good
independent book talks when they come together in pairs or small groups for
that purpose.
If the teacher models, the students will follow!
For some teachers, SSR is a time to model good writing
habits too.
If teachers ask students to write about their SSR
activities in a dialogue journal, those journals can provide an opportunity to
model writing skills. (Few teachers correct journals; most use journals as
private, uncorrected communication. They use the journals as an opportunity to
learn more about their students and as an informal measure of growth.) In
dialogue journals, teachers can model by spelling words correctly in their
responses to students that the students had misspelled in their entries.
Teachers might even ask a question that requires a response that will include
the misspelled word -- a tricky way to see if modeling really works! Modeling
can also be used to point out students' errors of usage and capitalization and
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